Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Book of Mormon, pages 43-56

Book of Mormon, pages 43 – 49
We started student leaders teaching this week. Derek lead our class and had lots of participation. We discussed 1 Nephi 19:9 describing the suffering of Christ and how he endured it because of his loving kindness and long-suffering. We referred back to 1 Nephi 18:15-16 and saw Nephi suffering at his family’s hand on the ship and not murmuring because of his afflictions. He had seen how Christ would handle affliction.
In 1 Nephi 19:23 we read Nephi’s instruction about Isaiah’s writings that we ”liken all scriptures unto us, that it might be for our profit and learning.” In Chapters 20 and 21 Derek gave us opportunities to cross reference The Book of Mormon scriptures with Isaiah’s writings in the Old Testament and with scriptures in the New Testament. Great class. It was sweet seeing how the books of scripture support one another.

Book of Mormon, pages 50 – 56
Maria was sick and couldn’t teach so Bob lead our class. We went through 1 Nephi 22 verse by verse and learned of three scatterings that Israel’s gone through already and how the scatterings were prophesied by Isaiah. We saw that each time Israel is scattered, the Jews find their way back to Jerusalem to gather again. They won’t be scattered again. Those who fight against them do so in vain. We noted that in fulfilment to prophesy, Abraham’s seed is blessing the nations of the earth.
When people are righteous Satan has no power. Those belonging to the great and abominable church (or assembly) will turn against themselves and war. The prophecies are really comforting.

Book of Mormon, pages 57-63
Sept. 25th Jennifer will teach. Points to ponder:
·         2 Ne 2:2  Lehi says to son, Jacob, “He shall consecrate thine afflictions for thy gain.
·         2 Ne 2: 7-8  What does it mean to be a sacrifice for sin?
·         2 Ne 2: 11-13  Lehi teaches need for opposition in Heavenly Father’s plan.
·         2 Ne 2: 25  Joy is a purpose of this life. Are you experiencing joy?
·         2 Ne 2:27  What is the responsibility that comes with freedom?
·         2 Ne 3   What is prophesied about Joseph’s namesake?
·         Would you want a blessing like Lehi gave to Nephi, Laman, Jacob, or Joseph?

    Book of Mormon, Pages 43-56

    Book of Mormon, pages 43 – 49
    We started student leaders teaching this week. Derek lead our class and had lots of participation. We discussed 1 Nephi 19:9 describing the suffering of Christ and how he endured it because of his loving kindness and long-suffering. We referred back to 1 Nephi 18:15-16 and saw Nephi suffering at his family’s hand on the ship and not murmuring because of his afflictions. He had seen how Christ would handle affliction.
    In 1 Nephi 19:23 we read Nephi’s instruction about Isaiah’s writings that we ”liken all scriptures unto us, that it might be for our profit and learning.” In Chapters 20 and 21 Derek gave us opportunities to cross reference The Book of Mormon scriptures with Isaiah’s writings in the Old Testament and with scriptures in the New Testament. Great class. It was sweet seeing how the books of scripture support one another.

    Book of Mormon, pages 50 – 56
    Maria was sick and couldn’t teach so Bob lead our class. We went through 1 Nephi 22 verse by verse and learned of three scatterings that Israel’s gone through already and how the scatterings were prophesied by Isaiah. We saw that each time Israel is scattered, the Jews find their way back to Jerusalem to gather again. They won’t be scattered again. Those who fight against them do so in vain. We noted that in fulfilment to prophesy, Abraham’s seed is blessing the nations of the earth.
    When people are righteous Satan has no power. Those belonging to the great and abominable church (or assembly) will turn against themselves and war. The prophecies are really comforting.

    Book of Mormon, pages 57-63
    Sept. 25th Jennifer will teach. Points to ponder:
    ·         2 Ne 2:2  Lehi says to son, Jacob, “He shall consecrate thine afflictions for thy gain.
    ·         2 Ne 2: 7-8  What does it mean to be a sacrifice for sin?
    ·         2 Ne 2: 11-13  Lehi teaches need for opposition in Heavenly Father’s plan.
    ·         2 Ne 2: 25  Joy is a purpose of this life. Are you experiencing joy?
    ·         2 Ne 2:27  What is the responsibility that comes with freedom?
    ·         2 Ne 3   What is prophesied about Joseph’s namesake?
    ·         Would you want a blessing like Lehi gave to Nephi, Laman, Jacob, or Joseph?
      Derek shared this quote by Dallin H. Oaks, an apostle, presented in the Ensign, January 1995. You'll want to think about this:

      "The idea that  scripture reading can lead to inspiration and revelation opens the door to the truth that a scripture is not limited to what it meant when it was written but may also include what that scripture means to a reader today. Even more, scripture reading may also lead to current revelation on whatever else the Lord wishes to communicate to the reader at that time. We do not overstate the point when we say that the scriptures can be a Urim and Thummim to assist each of us to receive personal revelation."

      Tuesday, August 27, 2013

      Week 6

      This week we are reading to page 35 in the Book of Mormon. Nephi finishes going over what he learned about the Tree of Life vision with his brothers. Marriages take place between Ishmael's family and Lehi's family. The Lord gives them a Liahona to direct them that works according to their faith. Again, a lot of murmuring takes place. Nephi's bow breaks and other bows lose their spring and the people are hungry. 
      • What lessons are you learning about murmuring? Can you think of times when you have lacked faith and murmured? How can these challenges be faced in future?
      • All the men in this family were face with the say problem of providing  food for their families. Why was Nephi the scapegoat?
      • What do we learn about anger from Laman and Lemuel that we can apply to ourselves?
      • What lessons of faith do we learn from Nephi's actions when his family was hungry?

      Tuesday, August 20, 2013

      Week 4 Review / Week 5 Assignment

      Week 4 Review, pages 15-21:
      We had a great discussion about Nephi’s faith in class. He was willing to “go and do what the Lord hath commanded” because he had faith that his father received revelation and that “the Lord giveth no commandments unto the children of men, save He shall prepare a way for them, that they may accomplish the thing which he commandeth them.”(1 Ne 3:7)
      Nephi and his brothers decided to cast lots to determine who would go ask Laban for the plates. Laman went to Laban and requested the plates; then had to flee for his life.  Next, they all went to Laban offering the family riches for the plates. It is reasonable that Nephi’s brothers would think they’d hit a wall and had done all they could, but it was not faith-filled. Nephi and Sam had no plan for success but had a willingness to continue trying.
      We learned that a visit from an angel is not sufficient to turn someone’s heart around, if they aren’t willing. As soon at the angel departed after protecting Nephi and Sam from Laman and Lemuel, the elder brothers began murmuring again. They thought Laban mightier than the Lord.
      What did Nephi do that was faith-filled? He went forth, not knowing beforehand the thing which he should do. He felt led by the Spirit and what did he find as he walked about Jerusalem? Laban, all alone, was lying on the ground in a drunken stupor. This was not co-incidence. Nephi was led to him. We can observe from this that when we are in motion (going forth) it is easy for the Spirit to direct us. We further learn that we may question the Spirit when we feel directed to do something contrary to what the scriptures or prophets seem to support. When the truths the Spirit taught Nephi about the importance of the plates sank into his heart he “knew the Lord had delivered Laban into” his hands for this cause and he “obeyed the voice of the Spirit.”
      We also discussed Nephi’s faith when he went to the Lord in prayer following Lehi’s vision of the Tree of Life. Nephi wanted to understand the vision and had faith that the Lord could and would reveal an understanding to him. Nephi’s brothers wondered about it but didn’t have faith sufficient to go to Heavenly Father for answers. Nephi’s vision of his father’s vision and his question and answer period with the Spirit of the Lord are a great blessing to us.
      Week 5 Assignment:
      Read pages 22 – 28
      Consider and write about or discuss with someone:
      ·         Who is the founder of the great and abominable church? 1 Nephi 13
      ·         What did the great and abominable church do to the Bible?
      ·         Nephi saw that members of the Lord’s Church in the last days would be few compared to the great and abominable church and it’s persecutions, but would be able to overcome the persecution. We would be armed with what? 1 Nephi 14
      ·         Do you recognize any prophecies from these pages that have been fulfilled in the latter days?

      Wednesday, July 31, 2013

      Week 2 Review/ Week 3 assignment


      1 Nephi 1:1   AFFLICTED AND FAVORED
      Nephi speaks of many afflictions and acknowledges many blessing from the Lord. In chapter two Nephi feels highly favored of the Lord because of his great knowledge of the goodness of God. Can you see this as a blessing?
      Helaman 12:3  “And thus we see that except the Lord doth chasten his people with many afflictions, yea, except he doth visit them with death and with terror, and with famine and with all manner of pestilence, they will not remember him.”

      1 Nephi 2:20   TENDER MERCIES OF THE LORD
       “I testify that the tender mercies of the Lord are real and that they do not occur randomly or merely by coincidence…. (they) are the very personal and individualized blessings, strength, protection, assurances, guidance, loving-kindness, consolation, support, and spiritual gifts which we receive from …the Lord Jesus Christ.” (Elder David A. Bednar, April 2005 General Conference)
      The Lord delivering the righteous is a theme repeated throughout the Book of Mormon.

      1 Nephi 2: 11-15   MURMURING
       “First, when people murmur they begin to question. They question ‘first in their own minds and then (plant) questions in the minds of others.’ Second, those who murmur begin to ‘rationalize and excuse themselves from doing what they have been instructed to do….Thus, they make an excuse for disobedience.’ Their excuses lead to the third step: ‘Slothfulness I following the commandments.’ …
      Beware of murmuring.” (Elder H. Ross Workman, October 2001 General Conference)

      In the scriptures, prosperity may have meanings other than financial benefit. Prospering does not mean that life will be free from trials. What does prosperity look like?

      “The man who stays with the kingdom of God,…who keeps himself pure and unspotted from the world, is the man that God will accept, that God will uphold, that he will sustain, and that will  prosper in the land, whether he be in the enjoyment of his liberty or he be confined in prison cells, it makes no difference where he is, he will come out all right.” (President Joseph F. Smith, Gospel Doctrine, 257.)

      1 Nephi 3:7     I WILL GO AND DO
       “When obedience ceases to be an irritant and becomes our quest, in that moment God will endow us with power.” (President Ezra Taft Benson, as quoted in May 1998 Ensign, 82)

       “We may have to pray with faith to know what we are to do and we must pray with a determination to obey, but we can know what to do and be sure that the way has been prepared for us by the Lord.”
      (President Henry B. Eyring, CES Fireside, Nov. 5, 1995)


      1. Study pages 8 -> 14. We are sticking with one page a day.
      2. What justification is there for a righteous man like Nephi to take the life of another?
      3. What do we learn from Zoram about the integrity of one’s word? What about oath making?
      4. What did the plates mean to Lehi and what did he do when he received them? Nephi? 1 Ne 6:4
      5. Briefly relate the story of the second trip back to Jerusalem found in 1 Ne 7.

      Friday, July 26, 2013

      Book of Mormon Class, wk 2

      Week 2

      Assignment  for wk 2:
      1. SQ3R pages 1-7, 1 Nephi 1:1 –1 Nephi 4:2
      2. Choose to write a paragraph about one of these topics or something you learned not listed: 

        • Goodly Parents – How did the way you were raised affect who you are and how you view Heavenly Father?
        • Nephi has seen many afflictions, yet feels highly favored of the Lord. Is this a contradiction? 
        • Laman and Lemuel murmur – What can you learn from their negative example?
        • Nephi said, "I will go and do what the Lord hath commanded." How does Nephi’s faith influence you?


      Book of Mormon Class 1

      Another Testament of Christ

      Class #1

      This is an 18 month class. We will try to be very consistent posting weekly.
      All participants are expected to study one page per day of the Book of Mormon.
      Remember to pray sincerely for the Holy Ghost before studying.
      Mark scriptures that have meaning for you.  
      Use SQ3R method to study = Survey material and think of Questions to prepare yourself to Read. Recite, tell someone about what you learned from reading. Review - for best retention within 24 hours, at one week and one month. Fast Sunday's a good time to review the month's learning.
      We will focus on themes of  FAITH, REPENTANCE, and REVELATION this time through.

      Weekly assignments will be given. All participation is voluntary. When we participate in learning activities, we invite the Holy Ghost to testify to us of the truths we study.
      Students may email assignments to me or post them here for others to read and grow from.

      Assignment 1:
      1. Study Title page –> Brief Explanation about The Book of Mormon.
      2. Write a paragraph or list of things you want to remember about the coming forth of the Book of Mormon and the purposes of it. 
      3. E-mail assignment to me or copy and paste it in comments below. (Keep a copy for your review.) 
      4. Teach someone what you learned.