Friday, July 26, 2013

Book of Mormon Class 1

Another Testament of Christ

Class #1

This is an 18 month class. We will try to be very consistent posting weekly.
All participants are expected to study one page per day of the Book of Mormon.
Remember to pray sincerely for the Holy Ghost before studying.
Mark scriptures that have meaning for you.  
Use SQ3R method to study = Survey material and think of Questions to prepare yourself to Read. Recite, tell someone about what you learned from reading. Review - for best retention within 24 hours, at one week and one month. Fast Sunday's a good time to review the month's learning.
We will focus on themes of  FAITH, REPENTANCE, and REVELATION this time through.

Weekly assignments will be given. All participation is voluntary. When we participate in learning activities, we invite the Holy Ghost to testify to us of the truths we study.
Students may email assignments to me or post them here for others to read and grow from.

Assignment 1:
  1. Study Title page –> Brief Explanation about The Book of Mormon.
  2. Write a paragraph or list of things you want to remember about the coming forth of the Book of Mormon and the purposes of it. 
  3. E-mail assignment to me or copy and paste it in comments below. (Keep a copy for your review.) 
  4. Teach someone what you learned.


beabetteryou said...

TJ Copeland
BoM Class 1 assignment:
What I want to remember of introductory pages to Book of Mormon:
• Written to Lamanites, remnant of house of Israel, Jew and Gentile.
• Written for us, not the people of the time.
• J.S.: It’s the most correct book, the keystone of our religion, and a man will get nearer to God by abiding by its precepts than by any other book.
• With testimony of this book through the Holy Ghost, we also know that Jesus Christ is the Savior of the world, that J.S. is His revelator and prophet, and the Church of J.C. of LDS is the Lord’s kingdom restored to the earth, preparatory to second coming.
• Many witnesses saw the plates. Three saw Moroni.
• Angels can visit and communicate with us.
• God is willing to have us instructed as much as needed to remember, understand, and obey Him. (Moroni repeated instructions to JS 4 times with same message.)

The Book of Mormon is of God or of the devil. A man could not do it. The devil would not do it. It testifies of Christ. It brings us to Christ.

I can trust The Book of Mormon. It comes from God. The Holy Ghost will testify of its truths to me as I seek for it. Its truths will bring me to Christ if I live them. Pres. Benson: It’s of the Lord or of Lucifer.
Title page – “If there are faults they are the mistakes of men; wherefore, condemn not the things of God.” No fault finding.
Moroni visited JS 4 times with same message about BoM.
Witnesses were provided to support JS testimony of the plates – we aren’t always asked to believe without evidence or witnesses.

Unknown said...

What stood out the most to me was that JS was visited 4 times by Marconi and the next day he told his father and his father imeadately told him it was the lord and his work. With out question his dad had faith in JS.